MRM, The Medical Risk Management Company, a subsidiary of the Madanes Group, was established to help insured parties to develop risk management systems and programs in order to minimize the risk of injury to patients, leading to medical malpractice suits. Madanes recognized already in the early 90’s that in order to enable a stable long-term Med-Mal insurance coverage, there was a need to develop the necessary procedures and activities to assure that the risk would be adequately rated and the necessary mechanisms would be in place to monitor the development of the risk over the years; and that all the techniques relevant to reducing the risk would be utilized in the long run in order to control the risk. The Company formed MRM to develop and provide medical risk management services. MRM was appointed by the risk carriers to develop risk control programs for insureds.

Operations of MRM are structured on widespread cooperation between its staff and insured healthcare providers. The preferred model in Israeli medical institutions which was initiated by MRM, was the establishment of internal risk management units in each hospital/medical institution, composed of a team of a doctor and a nurse and appointed by the insured’s management to operate and oversee the institution’s risk management program. The RM units work in close cooperation and with the support of with MRM’s team.


Additional Insurance Products

Medical Malpractice

Medical / Health